Nova Family Dentistry
  • Going Green for the New Year
    Does your list of New Year’s resolutions for the coming months include reducing your ecological footprint? If so, let’s ring in the year with some basic—and some innovative—dental ideas to Read more
  • Healthy Resolutions for Healthy Teeth
    Every January 1st, you have your resolutions ready. No more nail biting. Lose ten pounds. Stop smoking. None of us are happy about those annoying bad habits we’ve picked up Read more
  • How do I make my child’s diet safe for his or her teeth?
    The food you feed your child can have a lasting effect on his or her oral health. In fact, diet plays a major role in whether a child develops cavities Read more
  • Suffer from tooth discoloration? Don’t panic!
    Like many other parts of the human body, teeth age. You may look at old photos and realize your smile was significantly brighter in the past than it is now. Read more
  • Oral Cancer Facts and Figures
    Oral cancer is largely viewed as a disease that affects those over the age of 40, but it can affect all ages, even non-tobacco and alcohol users. Oral cancer can Read more
  • Start Your Day Off with a (Healthy) Smile!
    If there’s one meal that can claim the title of “Sweetest Meal of the Day,” it’s almost certainly breakfast. Sugary cereals, syrup-covered waffles, oatmeal with honey, cinnamon toast (which is Read more
  • Carbs and Cavities
    The Good News Carbohydrates are one of the body’s essential macronutrients (along with protein and fat). We use carbs to convert the food we eat into energy. How does this work? Read more
  • When do children usually lose their baby teeth?
    Many parents have concerns about their children’s teeth not falling out on time. the doctor and our team are here to answer any questions parents may have about when children Read more
  • Getting Ready for Winter
    Winter Is Coming. Okay, that sounded a lot more dramatic in a popular fantasy series. But here in the real world, winter is coming as well, so let’s look at some Read more
  • The Intriguing History of Halloween
    Halloween is fast approaching, and the doctor wanted to be sure to wish our patients a happy day, no matter how you might celebrate this holiday. The Halloween that is Read more
  • Good Dental Hygiene Gives You Better Overall Health
    What do you think of when you hear the term dental or oral hygiene? Brushing and flossing tend to come to mind, since that is what the terms imply. What you Read more
  • Planning Your Vegetarian Diet with Your Oral Health in Mind
    If you’ve been following a vegetarian or vegan diet, you know that there’s much more to living a healthy life than simply avoiding meat products. Making sure your diet includes Read more
  • Year-End Insurance Reminder
    the doctor, as well as our team at Nova Family Dentistry, would like to give those patients with flex spend, health savings, or insurance benefits a friendly end of the Read more
  • Proper Flossing Techniques
    Of all the dental hygiene techniques you can use at home to promote clean teeth and good oral health, flossing is likely to be the one that troubles most people. Read more
  • How do I handle my child’s dental emergency?
    With children undergoing developmental dental changes and engaging in rough-and-tumble activities, dental emergencies can sometimes arise. If your child knocks out a tooth or experiences any type of oral discomfort, Read more
  • Double Duty
    If you play a contact sport, you know about mouthguards. You know about the cushioning protection they provide for your teeth. And not just your teeth—mouthguards also help protect your Read more

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-4:30 pm



